You do not need to read any scriptures,
walk the Eightfold buddhist path, become a hermit or a literate smart
ass of any school in order to develop the right view of things. It is
available in every breath, for everyone. Simply dare to face
phenomena as they really are and do not form, color and interpret
them within your mind. Face the human world, what we have created
accepted and allowed as it is, stand as your Self and see. There is
no need to copy exercises and follow any written steps. This can be
done immediately by everyone. It takes courage, facing your fears and
challenging your ideologies, but humans have the ability and the
obligation to do so, if they want to be free, as Life, as themselves,
as what they really are. Following any path, scripture or school
simply means that you want to cloak yourself, you want to hide that
you do not dare to stand for yourself, therefore you follow a herd
that is walking nowhere but towards self righteousness self
adulation, creating new shiny but illusionary ego costumes. You will
not change that way, because you are still the mind, working
concealed, hidden, forming startegies to manipulate you and all
around you so that you will blind yourself, delude yourself into the
belief that you were doing the right thing, because you feel good,
feel better, feel stronger. But look at the world, even with all
those masters, schools, religions, nothing ever changed the world for
a better. It is all a failure, all scriptures, lectures, religious
interpretations of words, without understanding the fact that they
are actually killing them. That may be one reason why most of these
so called 'masters' never took a note and never encouraged someone to
write their words down. They simply spoke them, living words, they
lived by their own words. And I am quite convinced that many of them
said the same thing as I am saying [- how dare you, blasphemer! - ]
Open your eyes, face the madness you are creating because you choose
to walk through your life asleep, following dreams that will never be
real, never be fulfilled, because they are not made of anything real!
They are made of thoughts. You want to live in paradise? Accept your Self-Responsibility, wake up, live, change and create what you want
to see out of yourSELF!
I forgive myself that I have accepted
and allowed myself to believe following a spiritual path written down
in any books, taught by Gurus would in fact lead me to self
realization and change me and the world.
I forgive myself that I have accepted
and allowed myself not to realize that the only way to self
realization must and can only depend on myslef, my self honesty and
self responsibility.
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself not to see that the attempt
to follow any group of people like a sheep, to follow their rules,
scriptures and rituals simply because they seem to have an attraction
and value, means to hide from your self responsibility for Life and
is an attempt to give away control so that you won't have to stand
for your decisions and the consequences.
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a system of
believes and call that my personality and identify with it, creating
polarizations and conflicts everywhere and whenever my personal world
views, values, philosophies contradict with reality as it is, instead
of realising that following personal philosophies is merely following
personal interest, self righteousness and valuing comfort above any
common sense and dignity of Life.
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to become a robot, fed with a
programm created by culture, family, society and accepted and allowed
by myself to evaluate, to develop a static Idea about myself and my
value within this system that I as a robot am functioning in.
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to try to escape the system
through meditation and following practices of buddhist schools, while
at the same time I was creating separation within the mind and was in
fact perpetuating the mechanics that keep the human enslavement
system of the mind in separation alive.
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to try to find a value of
myself within the development of meditation skills, and did not
realize that this was nothing else than the idea of our human systems
of self interest, manipulation, individualism, consumerism within a
spiritual context where you climb stairs of skillfulness and recieve
the acknowledgement of those that admire your disciplin and the you
fall for the same mindfuck that keeps the abusive, self destroing
ideologies of human development through competition, which has
obviously more than failed, alive.
I commit myself to
expose self entrapment through the mind as the Ego wherever I am able
I commit myself to
expose myself with every mindfuck that determined my life and lead to
all kinds of destructive behaviour, harmful to myself, others and
Life in general.
I commit myself
within the awareness of the equal value and oneness of all life to
deprogramm myself from all abusive ideas, spitefulness, manipulative
behaviour that is following the aims of self interest created by
culture and society, which nowadays means: by the industry.
I commit myself to
writing on aregular basis to expose those ideas, thought concepts and
ideologies that are not determined by myself as a living being, but
by my personality structure, formed and created by a society/culture
within an abusive, life threatening system of inequality and
exploitation, following a self created god called Profit/Money to
myself and others.
I commit myself to
walk this process in Self Honesty and Self Responsibility until I
stand as Life, one and equal, eternally, no matter what challenges
may come.
Cool Bastian - danke!