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Desteni I Process |
I forgive myself that I have accepted
and allowed myself to be afraid to speak out the word 'cancer'.
I forgive myself that I have accepted
and allowed myself to fear cancer withourt even investigating what
this actually is.
I forgive myself that I have accepted
and allowed myself to be directed by fears based on little knowledge
and hearsay about how and when and why one can get cancer.
I forgive myself that I have accepted
and allowed myself to ignore the existance of cancer for my life and
suppress all feelings related to it.
I forgive myself that I have accepted
and allowed myself to not talk about or write about my fear and
instead pretended that I do not fear it.
I forgive myself that I have accepted
and allowed myself not only to fear the illness, but the word
'cancer' itself as well as the german equivalent 'Krebs'.
I forgive myself that I have accepted
and allowed myself not to investigate and see all the amazing
studies and insights into this widespread disease and it's causes and
instead pretend to myself that I knew what all this is about.
I forgive myself that I have accepted
and allowed myself to limit and diminish myself, my own insights
because of fear and suppression.
I forgive myself that I have accepted
and allowed myself to procrastinate to be self honest with myself
concerning my fear of the word cancer.
I forgive myself that I have accepted
and allowed myself to make up all kinds of ideas and justifications
for why I wouldn't speak about cancer and to establish the belief
that through talking about it I could manifest it instead of
realizing that my fear and suppression is much more likely fulfilling
that part.
I forgive myself that I have accepted
and allowed myself not to realize that one starting point of me doing
sports and physical exercise was fear and therefore that suppressed
and ignored fear was damaging my effort and slowly undermining my
self application.
I forgive myself that I have accepted
and allowed myself not to go further at this point of fear of getting
cancer to free myself from all my fears, unconditionally.
I forgive myself that I have accepted
and allowed myself to limit and harm myself and my body due to my
cowardness and self dishonesty regarding my fear of cancer.
I commit myself to realize and debunk
all thought concepts of procrastination, fear and dishonesty within
myself because I see that the consequences of my Ignorance are
harmfull to life, not mine alone but to all Life.
I commit myself to stand the self
investigation of all my fears in order to free myself as life, to
become a self directed, self honest and trustworthy supporter of all
Life and what is best for all.
I commit myself to share my process of
deconstructing inner concepts and conditionings in order to be a
support for all those that commit themselves to Life, to self honesty
and a world that is best for all.
I commit myself to break the circle of
self-delusion about the protection of my ego and it's self interests
that are all just bthought constructs and determining my Life and my
actions not in the interest of Life itself, but in the interest of an
illusionary entity.
I commit myself to expose the
capitalistic system and all subsystems like the health systems and
the pharmaceutical industry as what they are, a profit oriented
machinery that has never and will never serve the interest of Life or
the people's health, but the self interests of those that make the
decisions. They use marketing strategies to spread fear and
uncertainty among the people and lure them into beliefs and ideas
about health and wellness, about dangers and cures that are never
really founded in honesty and trustworthy research, but only in the
profit oriented interests and greed of their managers.
Whenever I encounter a point of
suppression and fear within myself I will stop my self righteous
justifications and breathe, look at the fear and find the root
causes, apply self forgiveness and self correction. Through this I
will be able to realize myself as Life, one and equal to all Life and
determine myself and my actions according to the principles of Life,
of what is best for all Life.
This is the only way and an obviously
necessairy thing to be done by each individual in an individual
process, to free humanity, to free all Life from the enslavement
through the mind. All the unnecessairy suffering of Life, the wars,
crimes, rape, murder, all those things could be prevented through
self honest self determination as Life, using the human potential
like awareness, reason, intellect and common sense to put an end to
all abuse. Stopping the mind from controlling your life, stopping the
Ego once and for all.
This is the only human deed that shows
true dignity.
Cool, thanks for sharing this!